Chapter 4031 Little Nympho Teenage Slut(Taboo Sex):>Ep2
- In his mind, Paul knew this day was coming. Cindy could probably count on her fingers the amount of time her and Dan had fucked, Paul imagined she'd bragged about it in church. Having a nympho for a daughter wasn't exactly the plan she'd expected god to have in store for her. Kristina had turned 18 in rehab, and Paul had an inkling Cindy wouldn't keep her around for long.
- So here he was, a couple hours away, getting drunk in a hotel room while he yelled at his employees over the phone.
- "I don't care what Browning says, get the god damn environmental surveys done over the weekend, I want the plans finished up and ready to present to zoning by next Wednesday." Paul huffed, throwing back a bottle of irish whiskey, then tossing it on the bed.